Bizans Turkish Angoras


Azima's Flash Dancer of Bizans

Here she is!  Our beautiful, sweet girl! 

I'm including some photos of her as a kitten and with her own kittens so you can appreciate her early life story and see why she's so very special to us. 

This is Flash a year 

and a half or so ago.  

The most current of her photos 

are near the bottom of this page.

Flash was born at Barb's in Pennsylvania on May 26, 2008.  

In these photos (below) she is about five weeks old.  So cute!!!

Here she is at just 

a few months old, 

still in Pennsylvania.

You can see why I 

named her "Flash." 

 The mark on her 

face reminded me 

of a 

flash of lightning.  

"Dancer" just had

 to go with it. 

Some photos of Flash today

Her reclining all over this pillow reminds me of a member of a harem lounging on her pillows!  Well, it's the right country and historical reference!

Flash gave birth on September 1, 2010 to her own kittens -- two sons, Red Star Dancer and Cosmic Latte. 


A family picture VERY soon after birth.

What a great mom cat our Flash is!!! 

FYI, Red Star Dancer, the kitten on the left, has found his fabulous forever home with Lisa and MaGellin'!  

Ken is finding it just too hard to give up Cosmic Latte, too.